Make decisions at the speed of data.

DataRuck is an AI-enabled, Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution that revolutionizes human wearable and IOT sensor data management, providing analysis and insights to consumers in real time, on demand.

  • Transforms data variables into constants through a well-formed data fabric, enabling the generation of predictive analytics. ​

  • Compatible with customers' target deployment platforms, including cArmy and FedRAMP. ​

  • Follows a bronze, silver, gold approach to data management, ensuring data reliability, consistency, and accessibility for downstream analysis and decision-making. ​

  • Incorporates the latest data sciences technology and tools, such as RStudio Workbench, Microsoft's Posit platform, PowerBI, and Jupyter Notebooks, and more to provide highly customized solutions. ​

  • Built with security in mind, adhering to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 controls and providing customers with assurance that their data is protected in transit and at rest. ​

Have questions, want a demonstration, or ready to partner?